Thank you to all the donors who contributed to help make this documentary a reality. We sincerely appreciate all the time, energy, support and encouragement the Tucson community, friends and family gave for this film. Without that generosity, this film would have not been completed.
Upstairs Entertainment, Inc, is an Arizona 501(c)3 non-profit organization with offices in Tucson, Phoenix and Los Angeles. We encourage tax deductible donations to support our documentaries, the annual Tucson Film & Music Festival (TFMF) and educational outreach programs.
TFMF is heading into it’s 4th year and those interested in donating to Upstairs Film and/or becoming a sponsor should contact michael@upstairsfilm.com for information on getting involved.
We also
accept credit card donations through PayPal.
Just click on the “PayPal Donate” link.
Current Upstairs Film & Documentary Donors:
Jesse Bonderman, Los Angeles CA
Mike Fallon, Tucson AZ
Mansur Johnson, The Einstein Academy, Tucson AZ
David Morton, Tucson AZ
Tim O'Grady, Tucson AZ
Anthony & Sandra Toubassi, Paradise Valley AZ
Chris & Ellen Wagganer, Los Angeles CA
Sherry Toubassi & Grace Coniff, Maywood, NJ
Wade & Pamela Toubassi, Houston TX
Leigh Godfrey, Los Angeles CA
Elias & Jane Toubassi
Michael Toubassi, Hollywood, CA
Garrick Toubassi & Vijaya Singh, Los Altos CA
Gary Shafner, NPA, Culver City CA
Carol Knorr, W. Los Angeles CA
Melissa & Joe Manas, Tucson AZ
Past Upstairs Theater Company Donors include:
Juno Anthes-Moody, Tucson AZ
Patrick Balliani, Tucson AZ
Jesse Bonderman, Los Angeles CA
Lee Caley, Tucson AZ
Charlotte Cardon, Tucson AZ
Suzanna Davilia, Cafe Poca Cosa, Tucson AZ
Adam Epstein, Tempe AZ
Dr. & Mrs Lee Fanning, Paradise Valley AZ
Pasquale Ferrari, Tucson AZ
David Forbes, Tucson AZ
W. Jesse Greenberg, Tucson AZ
Harvey & Gabriela Greenfield, Scottsdale AZ
Doug & Ariel Hancock, Tucson AZ
David Hemphill, Tucson AZ
Milani Hunt, Tucson AZ
Bob & Sue Karp, Scottsdale AZ
Jack H. Lasseter, Tucson AZ
Tom & Freddie Lieberman, Phoenix AZ
Victor Lodato, Tucson AZ
Julian Martinez, Tucson AZ
Carol & George Melcher, Tucson AZ
Mike Milroy, Law Offices of Snell & Willmer, Tucson AZ
Glenn Monroe, Paradise Valley AZ
Elsa Mulhern, Tucson AZ
Mr. Bruce Rued, Tucson AZ
Diane Runfola, Fountain Hills AZ
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Strauss, Scottsdale AZ
John & Rosanne Sweeney, Tucson AZ
Dean R. Taylor, Tucson AZ
Elias H & Jane Toubassi, Tucson AZ
Anthony & Sandra Toubassi, Paradise Valley AZ
Anne & Dana Troxell, Weston CT
Kenneth Unice, Tucson AZ
Jonathan & Cary Urso, Tucson AZ
Clague & Sally Van Slyke, Tucson AZ
Gretchen Voeks, Tucson AZ
Chris & Ellen Wagganer, Los Angeles CA
Mary & V.Jay Wise, Scottsdale AZ
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Zolondek, Phoenix AZ